Terms of service.
If the Principal accepts their release by cause of the bail bond posted by Galilean Bail Bonds, the Principal has implicitly accepted these terms of service by walking out of the jail / or custody
1) Photo: Required before posting bail, the principal and/ or their indemnitor must provide a photograph of the principal.
2) Passport: The principal and / or their indemnitor is required to surrender the principal’s passport (U.S. or other country) and any border crossing card or passport identification cards to Galilean Bail Bonds within 8 business hours of release. The principal and /or their indemnitor understand, agree, and accept, failure to surrender said passports and border crossing cards, whether initially requested or later discovered omission from the principal and / or their indemnitor shall result in complete forfeiture of collateral, collections and revocation of bail bond.
3) No Competition: The principal and/ or their indemnitor understand, agree, and accepts they will not hire another bail bonds agency or agent to post the same bond as agreed upon in this contract and the surety contract for the purposes of accelerating the bail process for the principal. If another agency / agent post bond for the same principal after this contract has been agreed upon, whether from this indemnitor or another, it shall be considered a breach of contract, thus forfeiting any premium payment made of 10% of the penal bail. If the principal and/ or their indemnitor has already entered a contract with another agency / agent prior to this contract being agreed up, it is the principal’s / principal’s and/ or their indemnitor’s responsibility to notify the agent from Galilean Bail Bonds of any pre-existing contract for the same bond prior to signing this agreement. If the principal and/ or their indemnitor intentionally or unintentionally omits that information and agrees to Galilean Bail Bonds’ Terms of Release, in addition to providing the premium payment for the bond and said bond will be or has already been made by another agency / agent, this action shall still constitute a breach of contract, thus forfeiting the premium payment made of 10% of the penal bail.
4) Collateral Value & Forfeiture: The principal and/ or their indemnitor understand agree and accept, if the principal fails to appear at any required court appearance or shows a pattern of term violations, Galilean Bail Bonds may begin the forfeiture process prior to the issuance of a summary judgement for all collateral offered and held in preparation for any summary judgement payment requested by the court. Summary judgement payment is the full penal bail amount. However, under the California Insurance Code, Galilean Bail Bonds may seize no more than the penal amount if additional fees are incurred during the forfeiture process. Galilean Bail Bonds may seize the collateral offered and/or held to satisfy any debts accrued during the duration of the principal’s case. These debts may include but are not limited to; All costs incurred under California Penal Code 1305 and its subsections. Fuel, employee hourly wage when filing motions with the court or having to personally find the principal or conducting any business on behalf of the principal to secure / continue their release. The debt shall be deducted from the collateral.
Any money left over from the debt deduction shall be available for return to the principal and / or their indemnitor. It shall be the principal or their indemnitor’s responsibility to reclaim their collateral or that which is left from deductions within 30 calendar days. The principal and/or their indemnitor acknowledges, agrees, and accepts, any collateral money or property left in the possession of Galilean Bail Bonds for a period of 30 calendar days after case adjudication, shall be deemed abandoned only if written notice to the principal and their indemnitor has been mailed to the addresses provided. 10 calendar days after abandonment, Galilean Bail Bonds will claim possession of abandoned property. The principal and / or their indemnitor also accept and agree, upon adjudication or dismissal of any court case where bail has been exonerated, Galilean Bail Bonds is released from any liability regarding the safe storage of property after 24 hours, as it is the principal and / or their indemnitor’s responsibility to immediately reclaim their collateral.
Cash collateral shall not exceed the penal amount. If collateral is any form of equity, the equity value must be twice the penal amount in accordance with the California Penal Code section 1298. If collateral is property, Galilean Bail Bonds reserves the right to re-evaluate its value as often as needed to ensure collateral obligations are met. If for any reason the value of the collateral property devalues below the required threshold, Galilean Bail Bonds will notify the principal and their indemnitor. The principal and their indemnitor shall have 15 calendar days to bring their collateral up to value. If the principal and their indemnitor fail to satisfy their collateral requirements, bail may be revoked. If the Principal evades arrest or refused to surrender themselves into custody, Galilean Bail Bonds shall file a lawsuit against the principal and their indemnitor for the entire penal amount as the California Insurance Code allows in preparation for a summary judgement and all fees related to the forfeiture.
5) Surrender: If the principal is surrendered by Galilean Bail Bonds any time after being released for any voluntary reasons, the principal and their indemnitor understands, agrees, and accepts to forfeit the premium payment of 10% to Galilean Bail Bonds in lieu of business cost. If the principal is surrendered for reasons of violation of law and / or terms of service / release issued by Galilean Bail Bonds, the principal and their indemnitor understand, agrees, and accepts to forfeit the premium payment of 10% to Galilean Bail Bonds in lieu of business cost in addition, recovery cost shall be deducted from any collateral used to secure the bond. While the court may order the premium to be returned under California Penal Code 1300(b), the principal and their indemnitor understand they are still responsible for the cost of service which was provided, which is 10% of the penal bail. Therefore, this voluntary forfeiture of the premium payments covers the expense. If the principal and / or their indemnitor chooses to have their premium payment refunded, Galilean Bail Bonds shall hold their previously paid premium in escrow until Galilean Bail Bond’s invoice for the provided service is satisfied. Once the invoice has been paid, the original premium payment shall be returned in accordance with any court order. If the invoice is not satisfied within 10 calendar days, the premium held in escrow shall be applied to the unpaid invoice.
6) Court Dismissal: The principal and/ or their indemnitor understands agrees and accepts, whether the principal is found to be innocent; charges are dismissed with or without prejudice, or any other form of release where the court orders the bail returned to the principal and/ or their indemnitor, the premium payment of 10% as stated shall be forfeited as payments for Galilean Bail Bonds’ services. Any fiduciary accounts and / or collateral being held by Galilean Bail Bonds shall be returned to the principal and/ or their indemnitor immediately during the business / banking hours of 8am – 1pm. Refer to Term 4 regarding abandoned collateral.
7) Out of Pocket Cost: The principal and/ or their indemnitor understands agrees and accepts, if any of these terms (Surety’s or Galilean Bail Bonds’) are violated, requiring Galilean Bail Bonds to initiate any recovery action, The principal and/ or their indemnitor agrees to assume all court fees, PC 1305 and subsections fees, attorney fees, investigative fees, fugitive recovery fees, administrative fees, and any other unforeseen fees. If these said fees remain unpaid for 15 business days, plus 5 calendar days for mailing after the issuance of an invoice, refer to Term 4 for settling of debts via collateral forfeiture.
8) Failure to Appear: If a principal fails to appear at a mandated court appearance and contact cannot be made within 24 hours of any missed court date, a daily fine shall be assessed to the principal and/ or their indemnitor at 1% of the court issued bail per day for 30 calendar days or until contact is made with Galilean Bail Bonds, whichever occurs first. After 30 calendar days, Term 4 shall be enforced.
9) Keep in Contact: Galilean Bail Bonds is in no way advocating for the unilateral or collaborative decision to miss any court dates. However, Galilean Bail Bonds knows proving your innocence is of the utmost importance. If the principal unilaterally or in cooperation with any type of advisor chooses to miss a court date, the principal agrees to remain in contact with Galilean Bail Bonds as scheduled. If contact cannot be made within 24 hours of any missed court date, a daily fine shall be assessed to the principal and/ or their indemnitor at 1% of the court issued bail per day for 30 calendar days or until contact is made with Galilean Bail Bonds, whichever occurs first. After 30 calendar days, Term 3 shall be enforced. This does not prevent or delay any court filing for enforcement of Term 4.